jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

THE  LAST BLOG, time to holiday :o 

Hi everyone this is the last blog of semester, maybe in my life,  and this blog will be about the semester in general, I think is a good idea for a blog because is very close the end of this year, so let´s go.
So this semester it was a very weird semester, because don’t have so much stress, sometime or more specific some weeks was very intensive. This semester I had six subject many different, for example I had an economic sociology´s in this subject view the economics things but with eye of sociology and we have a very crazy teacher and also is very weird, but anyway is not the important.  
My favorite subject, after of English of course, was sociology theory IV, in this subject we see theory about social class and stratification in the social structure, for me was very funny because our teacher put in the bibliography topics about gender and race, and in all theory subject never talks about this thing so was very fun, I enjoyed so much, was a very good point in the semester, the best topics and subject in this semester.
But not all can be wonderful; also I had a boring class in this semester. I had a subject about the demography and was boring, because the text, and the topics was so tedious, and not is for the teacher because she was great, no was for contend contents in the subject.
In resume my semester was funny in the general, and also was not so stressing like other maybe in my third year I have more experience for affront this ending of semester, but in any case I feel more relax. This is all, I was my placer write all this blog  

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


Hi today I’m talking about my ambition.  I don’t considered me like an ambition person, I don’t have as many ambition but try tell you something about one .
I think my ambition is make a difference in this world, because a think the society is very angry and sad and also violent, and this in my opinion wrong form to live, so my ambition is show the people that exist a different form to live the life, so try the show this in my form to do the thing, like if I go to charge my Bip card try to say hello with a smile to the person in a subway, or try to make a joke with the cashier in the super market, something like that. With my friends try to do a similar thing, always try to stay with they in a problem, or help they with any problem, so I try to do something similar. This sound like very optimistic and I know the life is hard, but I believe the always have time for a smile. This ambition is inspired in the Chaplin movie, because he always stay smiling don’t matter the hard of thing, always can be happy with the right person around.

But not all is about immaterial thing, also I have one material ambition and this is having a big collection of comics. I very fan of comics about heroes especially about Batman so one I hope will have an especial place for my big collection of comics’ book 

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

The exam´s practice 

Hi! Today I’m talking about my results in the activities.
Well I think was okay but also I think I need  practice more, in the vocabulary, is my worst part, I need more vocabulary, and also need practice more the grammatical form, and learn about times in the sentences and all that. I think my best part was reading and understand that, not only the text, also the context, that was new. And the listening part was good to, I don’t have serious problem with listen, the accent of the guy was a little hard to hear but not a big problem.

Well now y now my weakness so only I need practice more 

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

HI! Today I´m talking about someone I admired, I think I don’t admire many people, maybe I admire more character like Batman or Joker or other fiction Character, but I have one person I admire and is Salvador Allende, the first socialist president chose in a democratic election in the world.
His was chose president in Chile in 1770, after the close election with the ex-president Eduardo Frei Montalba who almost wins this election; Salvador Allende needed the congress ratification for be a president. Salvador was a medic in the morgue area when see the alimentation problem in the children and how bad state come the bodies in so bad condition, so he notes the bad alimentation in Chile. How president made many political about this, like two bottle of milk for the family more poor in Chile. He is recorded for Cooper´s nationalization and reform in work area, but also made an editorial for poor people when the book cost least at cigarette package Quimantu was the name, so like president did so many things, but in 1973 with a military punch   put finish in the presidential period.

I admired a Salvador Allende for many things, but the most important are, first because have the courage for fight with superpower countries like USA, and the private business owner, and fight for the workers. Second because represent a big social movement in the Popular United, and that was wonderful, see the photographs and see the people fight United is very nice. And finally I admire Salvador Allende because he has very good speech, in the moment the attack the presidential palace he said the last speech in his life, and is very sad but also with big hope in the future, and I have this hope in Chile, see one more time the people united and fighting together for a better country.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016


Hi everybody today I’m talking about too would job I want, or my dreams job.  If I can never work, I prefer that, because work is so boring, no, it’s only a joke (jajaj), I think the most important thing about this dream´s job is help another people, always I want help the people, is one of the reason because I study sociology, for change the world, but nobody tell me that sociology invent more problem, and don’t resolve that’s problem, but sociology can be for help people to, because give you tools for help other.

In this moment I think the area I want help people is about knowledge, in particular about philosophy and political things, because this areas are be exclusive for the professional people that can go to study in a college, so I hope can teach about this thing to the people. Actually with one of my friend we be working for create a group with student in my old high school in Rancagua, because Rancagua is a city where not have the interest about this think, actually only the thirty portent vote in the last election and this bad not because we really need go to vote, is because we need worry about political organization, well, to me this is important, so that is because is important create this group and teach they about this thing, it not a reality but we talk some professor in the school and they give us they support, and we have a reunion for implement this group, so I really hopeless about this and exited to. The only problem with this is a not remunerate job, so I can´t work in this like a professional, but I don’t care that, because I think is necessary so, if I need work in MacDonald for work with this group in a future I do it. 

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

My best Friend

Hi! Today I’m taking about one of my best friend, this is really hard, because I have a few friends, and all are very important in my life ¡, but today I will chose one because I need write this also this year be very hard and this friend supported me  not matter the distance. If any one of my friend see this I hope understand and don’t feel jealousy.
So my friend call Luis Meza all say Lucho, like a nickname. We are friend when we had five year old, and still be like friend. He is one of the most important friends because he be with e in all important moment in my life, when my family had economics problem, all my love situation, and also in this very hard year. In sixteen year of friendship we have so many memories, I remember in particular of the so many joke that made a Lucho. I was stay in my house with other friend and we decided call Lucho and made a joke, so call him and my other friend pose as my cousin and we cheating Lucho making him believe that my cousin love him and she want know him . It was hilarious, always make joke a Lucho, and always believe us. But don’t matter what always stay with me and this is so important to me, even I´m evil with him.

Well this is my best friend Lucho, a very god person. I don’t have a picture close, but I put when I have. 

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016


I think the most important present or almost the most important for me was my birthday present in last year.  Was a comic’s book, my sister bought and give me in my birthday.  When I was a child, always wants comics book, but don’t have the money, and also in my city don´t have comic book store so I can’t have when I was a child.  This comic it’s about batman is classical history in the Batman universe. It is a saga call “a death in family”, and has six books. Also have another history that is “the killing joke”, other iconic comic about Batman, all fan of Batman need have one of these histories.  This presents it’s was so important for two principal reason. The first is because I came in true one of child dreams, and second I could begin my own collection of Batman comics, so now I have so many comics.  I hope my collection will increase, I think I expend all my money in this collection. Also I hope go to USA and buy the original comics, maybe the first comic of Batman, but this is only a dream because are very expensive. So this is all Bye.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

A place I would like visit 
Hi today I’m taking about a place y would like visit, this place is France. I would like visit France because I think a very interesting place,  when exist  so many place interesting to visit like the Louvre museum, or the Eiffel tower. Also I would study in France because have important sociology school and had very important sociologists like Durkheim or Bourdieu, so my interest for visit this country is not only for a pleasant time, also it´s because I would like to study in France. Other thing  important to say is in Europe has a very easy form to move from country to other country, so when I am in France I would like to visit England, Italy and also Germany. I would  like to live for a time, maybe three or fourth year, for study and also work in this place, I think is a very beautiful country, with interesting things t do. That is all for now. Bye    

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

Ok I don’t write a blog a long time ago, maybe a year, also is with free theme and I don’t I know about who write this, so is a little hard. So I think I’m talk about anything, all ideas that think in this moment. The first idea or theme come to my mind is talk about the music because I listen music in the same moment when I write this blog. The music I think is a good partner in so many moments in the life, like when I walk, or when I study in de night alone, especially when I study all night, the music keep me with the stamina necessary for this situation. I my favorite band is pearl jam is a grunge band, their singer Eddie Vedder have a particularly voice is a great singer, the last year I can go their concert in Chile, was awesome with the all classic song and other of their new album. Other band that I like is Queen, the British band, they were had one of the best singer in the rock history, Freddie Mercury, this man was showman, yesterday I watched their performance in the concert in Wembley stadium in 1986 and was amazing, the show was spectacular. Well I write two hundred words so this is all , I see you in the next blog, BYE