jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

HI! Today I´m talking about someone I admired, I think I don’t admire many people, maybe I admire more character like Batman or Joker or other fiction Character, but I have one person I admire and is Salvador Allende, the first socialist president chose in a democratic election in the world.
His was chose president in Chile in 1770, after the close election with the ex-president Eduardo Frei Montalba who almost wins this election; Salvador Allende needed the congress ratification for be a president. Salvador was a medic in the morgue area when see the alimentation problem in the children and how bad state come the bodies in so bad condition, so he notes the bad alimentation in Chile. How president made many political about this, like two bottle of milk for the family more poor in Chile. He is recorded for Cooper´s nationalization and reform in work area, but also made an editorial for poor people when the book cost least at cigarette package Quimantu was the name, so like president did so many things, but in 1973 with a military punch   put finish in the presidential period.

I admired a Salvador Allende for many things, but the most important are, first because have the courage for fight with superpower countries like USA, and the private business owner, and fight for the workers. Second because represent a big social movement in the Popular United, and that was wonderful, see the photographs and see the people fight United is very nice. And finally I admire Salvador Allende because he has very good speech, in the moment the attack the presidential palace he said the last speech in his life, and is very sad but also with big hope in the future, and I have this hope in Chile, see one more time the people united and fighting together for a better country.

3 comentarios:

  1. I think that the Salvador Allende and Balmaceda, and others person more, were people that in Chile was never undestand... :( I hope some day Chile come back others presidents how they, and can govern calm.

  2. How would you say in football... "Le hicieron la cama". Those who did not want it made it impossible for them to govern
