jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

THE  LAST BLOG, time to holiday :o 

Hi everyone this is the last blog of semester, maybe in my life,  and this blog will be about the semester in general, I think is a good idea for a blog because is very close the end of this year, so let´s go.
So this semester it was a very weird semester, because don’t have so much stress, sometime or more specific some weeks was very intensive. This semester I had six subject many different, for example I had an economic sociology´s in this subject view the economics things but with eye of sociology and we have a very crazy teacher and also is very weird, but anyway is not the important.  
My favorite subject, after of English of course, was sociology theory IV, in this subject we see theory about social class and stratification in the social structure, for me was very funny because our teacher put in the bibliography topics about gender and race, and in all theory subject never talks about this thing so was very fun, I enjoyed so much, was a very good point in the semester, the best topics and subject in this semester.
But not all can be wonderful; also I had a boring class in this semester. I had a subject about the demography and was boring, because the text, and the topics was so tedious, and not is for the teacher because she was great, no was for contend contents in the subject.
In resume my semester was funny in the general, and also was not so stressing like other maybe in my third year I have more experience for affront this ending of semester, but in any case I feel more relax. This is all, I was my placer write all this blog  

6 comentarios:

  1. I also enjoyed theory IV. Was very interesting... and I think that Sociology of the organizations was more boring that Population and society but.... anyway.. is the end!

  2. I'm glad you've had good times with that subject and theory :D the funniest part is when you say this semester has been so weird, hahahah, like it!
    Well, at least in you demographic course you had a good teacher, try to see yourself in that boring class with a boring teacher xDD

  3. ayyy!!! I failed theory IV, I would like to learn more and leverage more it. I like Population and society really much <3 Very funny subject. And, like you, english was my fevorite subject jaja

  4. I hope that you could enjoy more the next semester
