jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


Hi today I’m talking about my ambition.  I don’t considered me like an ambition person, I don’t have as many ambition but try tell you something about one .
I think my ambition is make a difference in this world, because a think the society is very angry and sad and also violent, and this in my opinion wrong form to live, so my ambition is show the people that exist a different form to live the life, so try the show this in my form to do the thing, like if I go to charge my Bip card try to say hello with a smile to the person in a subway, or try to make a joke with the cashier in the super market, something like that. With my friends try to do a similar thing, always try to stay with they in a problem, or help they with any problem, so I try to do something similar. This sound like very optimistic and I know the life is hard, but I believe the always have time for a smile. This ambition is inspired in the Chaplin movie, because he always stay smiling don’t matter the hard of thing, always can be happy with the right person around.

But not all is about immaterial thing, also I have one material ambition and this is having a big collection of comics. I very fan of comics about heroes especially about Batman so one I hope will have an especial place for my big collection of comics’ book 

6 comentarios:

  1. It was so beautiful :') (and I knew that in some moment you will talk about comics hihi)

  2. You said Chaplin and I smiled. He is a very inspirational pearson (I think).
    We need more optimistic people in our society, despite the bad things that happen in our country.

  3. Show a differente form to live is a great ambition, also I try to smile in the subway or greet to bus driver, but the people always is very angry, is sad :(

  4. I think that it's necessary more people like you, and I'm sure that your reward will be your comics :)

  5. "always have time for a smile" aaawww <3 :DD hey, I looked for the same duitng my job the past year! I made jokes while I was in the cashier!I felt good about that, you make your job more pleasurable and at the same time make people happy :) it's a nice sensation!
