jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

The exam´s practice 

Hi! Today I’m talking about my results in the activities.
Well I think was okay but also I think I need  practice more, in the vocabulary, is my worst part, I need more vocabulary, and also need practice more the grammatical form, and learn about times in the sentences and all that. I think my best part was reading and understand that, not only the text, also the context, that was new. And the listening part was good to, I don’t have serious problem with listen, the accent of the guy was a little hard to hear but not a big problem.

Well now y now my weakness so only I need practice more 

6 comentarios:

  1. The vocabulary was unfair! no.. not really. The problem was that I read the sentences very fast, so I didn't put attention in the correct words :(

  2. Duolingo have exercises for practice vocabulary, grammatical,time, etc.

  3. remember you can use the websites I gave you at the beginning of the semester and practice more :)

  4. congratulations for understand the context that you say :D ouh yeah, the accent of the guys... I like more the american english, the english from UK is more difficult to understand to me (and for many peaople, as I've hear...)

  5. The vocabulary was the worst for everyone jaja
    But now we can practice that :)
