domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog again, this time I will talk about my favorite TV shows when  I was a child, this TV shows is Dragon Ball Z, I watched many TV Shows like Digimon, Slam Dunk or another but always Dragon Ball Z will be the first on my list.
This anime, Dragon ball Z, was about an alien from planet Vegeta, this planet was destroyed by the evil, freezer. The name of that alien was Goku, who come to earth in a spaceship just before that planet Vegeta exploited. Dragon ball Z tells the history of Goku when he was an adult, there’s another about Goku’s history, Dragon ball, but this was about when he was a boy. In Dragon ball Goku fight many enemies because he was protecting the planet earth.
I was watching This TV show all the time, in fact if I watch TV now and I found Dragon Ball Z, I would watch it, even thought I have twenty years old. For me this anime was very enjoyable because the fight scenes were awesome, I remember when I was a child I pretend to be Goku and imagine that fight against the Goku enemies.

Well this is my blog I hope that liked; see you in the next blog. Bye  

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Have you had a good semester?
Hello everybody, again, this is my blog and today I am going to talk about my semester.
This semester was weird, because we have a strike for almost two months and all subjects suffering this strike. In my opinion this strike has good reasons but was very long, unnecessary. I participated in many protests, like marches or social interventions, for me these things are very funny, and then in this area of my life I have a good time.
In the academic area my subjects are funny but for the strike suffering and now I can’t learn anything and the close of this semester is very complicated because we have many thing in a very short period of time, because we can’t recover the class that’s lost. But I think is a minor cost for the revolution, for the social change that we need.   
In other areas like my personal social groups I have a very good semester, I go to many party’s with my friends and we have many adventures, on one occasion we stole a police cone and now this cone stays in my house. This semester to play an American cup, is a tournament of soccer team, this team represents countries of South America like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and of course the host Chile. For the first time Chile won this cup, in hundred years Chile never won this, and this year finally won is a very important achievement.
In conclusion this was a good semester for me with many adventure and good feeling, I know new people and I have new friends, this semester was very funny! 

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Me and Sociology 

I chose study sociology when I was fifteen years old, but in the beginning I thought studying psychology but for me is less interesting than sociology
I chose this career for many things first I think that sociology is a very complete discipline because combines different areas like history, statistic, psychology, method for social research, so that makes it very interesting.
The other reason is that I think that we need to learn and understand more about the society we live in to make changes (for the revolution of course), but the most important reason for me, that made me decide for this discipline is because I think it’s funny and interesting to study the human behavior and study the social relationship between with another people, for me study sociology is very funny like play soccer our a videogame our listen music.  
For my future I expect is to be successful and happy with my discipline and my profession and I would like to continue my study in another country like France or Germany.
rance our Germany. 

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

A photograph I like 

This photograph was taken by me, is a “selfie” photograph and shows me with two of my friends, one is my university friend and another is my friend since I was six years old.
In this photograph we were in the house of another friend because my university friend went to Cuba for a family travel, than we organized   a party to say goodbye and good travel. In this photograph my friends were drunk and don’t remember this, is one of the thing I like is picture.

For me this photograph is important because I can unite my friends like my old friends with my new friends, this is important to me. Another thing that is important to me in this photograph in with my friend and could say how important to me are. This photograph represent to me two phases in my life, my childhood because my childhood friend and also represent my new phase in the university.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

A food i hate !

I hate Sushi !!

The food that i hate is sushi; in my opinion sushi is so insipid and so disgusting.
I hate sushi for many reasons. First I think sushi don’t have taste is so insipid and boring, I think need more condiments more taste. Secondly I think the smell is disgusting maybe the sushi that I try is least quality but always smells so disgusting.
The first time I tasted sushi make me nausea, maybe was for my friend cook sushi. In another occasion prove again sushi and make me feel nausea again and I think is this so disgusting, but I try for third time but again me feel nausea and never more tasty sushi again. Maybe try again tasting other types of sushi.
I think the only reason that eat sushi is probably the only food exist in the world, no I joking maybe try taste again because many of my friend we liked and probably if go to Japan prove the real sushi. 

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

My Expectattion for a new semester

This is my third semester in the university and I have big expectations about the subjects  that I have in this semester.

First I have Theory I, is the first subject where I  study the sociology theory and  I think this is very exciting because I study the classical sociologist like Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim.

Another subject that I think is interesting is Quantitative Techniques, in this subject I learn techniques for  one of the  methologies that I need to make a social investigation, another thing that I learn in this subject is how to make a survey, this implement is very important because is the implement most used in the social investigation.

Also I have another subject like Economy, History of Chile and Statistics these subject are very important but in my opinion they aren't as interesting.

I don't have extracurricular subjects because I need more time for my study, but I think take a sport, maybe football our basketball.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

A Country I'd Like to Visit

                                    I which to visit France

One country I´d like visit is France, because it is a very old country and has so much history and so many interesting things like museums and big constructions.

I know France is a European country, is very popular for its food and its monuments like the Eiffel tower and the Louvre museum, also I know a little about its history.

What I would like to do in France is take me a picture with the Eiffel tower in the night, visit all museums I can and also I would like eat duck à l'orange because is a very popular food in France and any french food too.

I would like to study in the first place, because my discipline was born in France, I would like get my master´s degree and my doctor´s degree also I would like to live here because I considered it an amazing and beautiful country also if I live here I can go to somewhere, another country in Europe.  

I hope some day I can go to France and do everything I like.