miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Me and Sociology 

I chose study sociology when I was fifteen years old, but in the beginning I thought studying psychology but for me is less interesting than sociology
I chose this career for many things first I think that sociology is a very complete discipline because combines different areas like history, statistic, psychology, method for social research, so that makes it very interesting.
The other reason is that I think that we need to learn and understand more about the society we live in to make changes (for the revolution of course), but the most important reason for me, that made me decide for this discipline is because I think it’s funny and interesting to study the human behavior and study the social relationship between with another people, for me study sociology is very funny like play soccer our a videogame our listen music.  
For my future I expect is to be successful and happy with my discipline and my profession and I would like to continue my study in another country like France or Germany.
rance our Germany. 

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