miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

A photograph I like 

This photograph was taken by me, is a “selfie” photograph and shows me with two of my friends, one is my university friend and another is my friend since I was six years old.
In this photograph we were in the house of another friend because my university friend went to Cuba for a family travel, than we organized   a party to say goodbye and good travel. In this photograph my friends were drunk and don’t remember this, is one of the thing I like is picture.

For me this photograph is important because I can unite my friends like my old friends with my new friends, this is important to me. Another thing that is important to me in this photograph in with my friend and could say how important to me are. This photograph represent to me two phases in my life, my childhood because my childhood friend and also represent my new phase in the university.

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