domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog again, this time I will talk about my favorite TV shows when  I was a child, this TV shows is Dragon Ball Z, I watched many TV Shows like Digimon, Slam Dunk or another but always Dragon Ball Z will be the first on my list.
This anime, Dragon ball Z, was about an alien from planet Vegeta, this planet was destroyed by the evil, freezer. The name of that alien was Goku, who come to earth in a spaceship just before that planet Vegeta exploited. Dragon ball Z tells the history of Goku when he was an adult, there’s another about Goku’s history, Dragon ball, but this was about when he was a boy. In Dragon ball Goku fight many enemies because he was protecting the planet earth.
I was watching This TV show all the time, in fact if I watch TV now and I found Dragon Ball Z, I would watch it, even thought I have twenty years old. For me this anime was very enjoyable because the fight scenes were awesome, I remember when I was a child I pretend to be Goku and imagine that fight against the Goku enemies.

Well this is my blog I hope that liked; see you in the next blog. Bye  

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